Privacy and your Information

Privacy and your Information

Relationships Australia WA (RAWA) is committed to your right to confidentiality and privacy, and ensures protection of your records in adherence to privacy and legislative requirements. RAWA is also committed to providing you with information regarding your rights, including limits of confidentiality when legal and duty of care considerations are deemed necessary. Our commitment to confidentiality exists alongside our duty to uphold the law and to protect the health and safety of yourself and others; in particular, children.

As part of services provided to you by RAWA, personal information is required to ensure effective and responsible delivery of services.  

Information collected will be securely stored and maintained according to Australian Privacy Principles and may include, but is not limited to, your first and last name, date of birth, gender, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, suburb, state, postcode and referral source. Your first and last name is protected under the Privacy Act 1988.