Information about observing or recording a counselling session for supervision purposes
Your cooperation in permitting the observation or video/audio recording of your counselling session is appreciated.
To protect the interests of clients, the following policies have been adopted:
(i) a counselling session observed or recorded requires the client’s written consent
(ii) video/audio recording is available only to the counsellor who conducted the session, or to a person working with the counsellor or acting in a supervisory capacity to that counsellor
(iii) the counselling session may be observed only by a person working with the counsellor or the counsellor’s supervisor
(iv) the video/audio recording content is either:
- transferred to a restricted access folder in our computer database immediately following the session and deleted from the recording device at this point; or
- if the recording remains on the recording device, the device is kept locked in the counsellor/supervisor’s cabinet. As soon as the supervisory purpose is completed, the recording is deleted.
Please ask your practitioner when you meet with them if you are unclear with anything.